Advising Resources
Current Schedule Information
Senior Seminar (SOCI 498) Application
Sociology 498WIC Course Descriptions
Requirements and Advising Worksheets
The Sociology Major and Minor Requirements and Advising Worksheets provide detailed information about the major and minor requirements, as well as a worksheet to plan out your coursework.
Please review your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) and complete the Major or Minor Requirements Worksheet in advance of meeting with a Sociology faculty advisor.
Sociology Major Requirements and Advising Worksheet
Sociology Minor Requirements and Advising Worksheet
Sociology Advising FAQ
I am a Sociology major or minor. Who is my faculty academic advisor?
The Sociology Department assigns academic advisors based on students’ last names. These assignments may change each semester, so be sure to check the department website for an up-to-date list.
Assigned faculty advisors provide guidance on declaring the major/minor, choosing classes, planning a path toward graduation, applying for senior seminar, and questions related to graduation requirement issues (i.e., “red boxes” on your Academic Requirement Report). Students are welcome to see any Sociology faculty advisor for guidance on career, graduate school, and research opportunities.
How do I make an appointment with my Sociology faculty academic advisor?
Students may make an appointment with their assigned Sociology faculty advisor during office hours through the office hours sign-up sheet or request an appointment for a different day or time.
Appointments are 15 minutes long, but you may sign up for more than one with permission from your advisor during non-peak times of the semester. Office staff do not make appointments for faculty.
Sociology faculty office hours start on the first day of class and end on the last day of class each semester. Faculty are not available for advising during finals week or the summer or winter breaks. If you need help during these times, please schedule an appointment in LoboConnect with a general advisor in the university's Advising and Transfer Center.
When should I see my Sociology faculty academic advisor and when should I see a general professional advisor?
Lower-division (first year and sophomore) students should always start by seeing a professional advisor in the Advising and Transfer Center for guidance on lower-division GE requirements and course selection. They are then welcome to see their assigned Sociology faculty advisor.
Upper-division (junior and senior) students are expected to start by seeing their assigned Sociology faculty advisor. The professional advisors are also available to address GE questions.
How do I declare Sociology as my major or minor?
To apply, make an appointment with the Sociology faculty advisor to whom you will be assigned based on your last name or with the department chair. Sociology is impacted, so there are minimum application requirements. Interim requirements through 2023-24: to declare the Sociology major or minor, in-house students must (1) have an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher and (2) have completed a sociology course, have a sociology course in progress, or intend to enroll in a sociology course.
I want to see an advisor to plan out my schedule. What should I prepare?
It is recommended that students complete the Sociology Requirements and Advising Worksheet, review their Academic Requirements Report (ARR), and start to make a draft schedule in advance of meeting with their faculty academic advisor.
How do I apply for permission to enroll in SOCI 498 (Senior Seminar)?
You must apply at the start of the semester prior to the one in which you would like to take SOCI 498. An application deadline will be set each semester. To be eligible to take SOCI 498, you must complete all the prerequisites and be qualified to graduate in the semester in which you would like to take the course. See your Sociology faculty academic advisor for details.
Advising Links
To make an appointment with your assigned Sociology faculty academic advisor or Sociology department chair, use your SSU email to add yourself to the Office Hours Sign-up Sheet [add link].
To make an appointment with a professional advisor in the university’s Advising and Transfer Center, use LoboConnect.
The School of Social Sciences maintains an Academic Resources page and an Advising Resources page with advising videos on many topics, including:
- How to Read your ARR
- How to Use Seawolf Scheduler
- How use "Additional Search Criteria" in MySSU to search for GE courses
- How to Enroll in Courses
- How to Drop/Swap Courses
- How to Waitlist for a Course
The Office of the Registrar provides a Help & How To page where you can search for help on a wide variety of topics, including MySSU, graduation, login and passwords, scheduling classes, and transcripts