Madeleine Rose, DSW
Professor Emerita

Sociology, 2000-2011
Retired Associate Professor of Social Work, CSU Long Beach
I believe it is vital to prepare students to live and work in an aging society. Thus, I developed a service-learning course in which SSU students engaged in weekly dialogue groups with older adults. My background in social work lead me to emphasize the relevance and impact of social policies, such as access to health care, on people’s lives. My current research is on issues and dilemmas in parenting adult children. While there is extensive literature about parenting young children, there is very little about parenting adult children. I am keenly interested in how families navigate and negotiate roles through the uncharted territory that arises from increased longevity. My approach to research on families reflects my 12 years of experience with the UCLA Family Styles Project, a longitudinal study of 200 families, including single mothers by choice, unmarried couples, and communal families.
Academic Interests
Social Work and Social Welfare, Sociology of Aging, Family Systems, Service-Learning
Selected Publications & Presentations
Soares, Harriet, Madeleine Rose and Renee Feiger. 2011. “Clinical Practice with Older Adults.” In Theory and Practice in Clinical Social Work, Second edited by Jerrold Brandell. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rose, Madeleine. 2010. “Connections Across Generations: Dialogue Groups Bridge the Generation Gap.” In Promoting Health and Wellness in Underserved Communities: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning, edited by Anabel Pelham and Elizabeth Sills. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Berger, Edward and Madeleine Rose. 2005. “War Crimes: US Insists Its Leaders Are Unaccountable to the World.” North Bay Progressive 3 (5), Santa Rosa, CA.
Berger, Edward and Madeleine Rose. 2004. “Cuba: US Moving Forward on Regime Change.” North Bay Progressive 3 (3), Santa Rosa, CA.
Rose, Madeleine and Susan Hillier. 2000. “Connections Across Generations: Gerontology Service-Learning.” In Intergenerational Service-Learning in Gerontology: A Compendium, Volume III, edited by James McCrea, Allison Nichols and Sally Newman. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Generations Together, Center for Social and Urban Research.
Rose, Madeleine. 1996. “Undignified Dying; May His Memory Be for a Blessing.” Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 2: 8-13.
Julie Delgado and Madeleine Rose. 1994. “Caregiver Constellations: Caring for Persons with AIDS. “ Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services 1: 1-14.
Soares, Harriet and Madeleine Rose. 1994. “Clinical Aspects of Case Management with the Elderly.” Journal of Gerontological Social Work 22: 143-156.
Rose, Madeleine and Harriet Soares. 1993. “Sexual Adaptations of the Frail Elderly.” Journal of Gerontological Social Work 19: 167-178.
Rose, Madeleine. 1993. “Elective Single Mothers and their Children: The Missing Fathers.” Child and Adolescent Social Work 9: 21-33.