F. Andrew Deseran, PhD
Professor Emeritus

After arriving at Sonoma State University in 2001, Andy Deseran taught a variety of courses in both the Sociology Department and the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies. His major focus in these courses, regardless of the particular topic, was on the interplay between the individual and the social structure in which the individual is embedded.
Ph.D., Colorado State University
Academic Interests
Social Psychology, Population and Society, Social Deviance, Research Methodology
Selected Publications & Presentations
Ten Eyck, T. and F. A. Deseran. 2004. “Oyster Coverage: Chiastic News As a Reflection of Local Expertise and Economic Concerns.” Sociological Research Online 9(4).
Tolbert, C., F. Deseran, and T. Blanchard. 2003. “Communities of Interest, Social Justice, and Congressional Redistricting: The Case of Louisiana’s Fourth District in the 1990.” Social Justice 30(4):91-107.
Deseran, F. A. and C. Riden. 2003. “Troubled Waters or Business as Usual? Ethnicity, Social Capital, and Community in The Louisiana Oyster Fishery,” in William W. Falk, Michael D. Schulman, and Ann R. Tickamyer (eds), Communities of Work: Rural Restructuring in Local and Global Contexts. Ohio University Press.
Deseran, F.A. and L. Tobin. 2003. “Labor demand in the offshore oil and gas industry in the 1990’s: The Louisiana case.” U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study MMS 2003-022. 20pp.
Ten Eyck, T. and F. A. Deseran. 2001. “In the words of experts: the interpretive process of the food irradiation debate.” International Journal of Food Science and Technology 36:821-831.